Electronics for Physicists (AP3652)
The course is a must-have for PhD students and postdocs interested in experimental physics. We will study electronics with a strong focus on practical applications. After reviewing the basics of passive and active components and their practical limitations, we will focus on circuit simulation, systematic troubleshooting and opamp circuits. Signals, noise and interference problems (and solutions!) will also be an important topic. We finish with an overview of microwaves and various measurement techniques, and a day on advanced use of electronic measurement equipment. Several case studies from the physics lab will be used throughout the course to make the theory come alive.
The course will be given in Delft and consists of 6 afternoon lectures (13h45 to 17h45) and 6 hands-on sessions (8h45 to 12h45). Additional reading and preparation in between the course days will take another 3 to 5 days. For a detailed course description with dates and time of day, please download the course overview below.
Instructors: Raymond Schouten, Roy Birnholtz, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh, Raymond Vermeulen, Sowmini Kadathanad (Delft University of Technology) and Tjerk Oosterkamp, Bas Hensen (Leiden University).
Audience: The course is mainly intended for PhD students and postdocs. Motivated second-year master students are welcome too.
Credits: 3 EC / 5 GSC credits will be awarded only to those participants who attend the complete course (6 lectures+6 hands-on sessions). Attendance lists will be used.
Times and venues:
Lectures: building 22, F005, lecture hall E (13u45-17u15)
Labs: building 22 (TNW) room A151 (8u45-12u45)
Course material:
Book: The Art of Electronics, Horrowitz and Hill, 2nd or 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1989. Students should be in possession of the book (or a digital version of the book) when the course starts. Extra material is made available during the course.
Download the course overview
How to enrol?
QuTech Academy
For urgent questions contact
Raymond Schouten
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