MSc Courses 2020/2021

MSc Courses 2020/2021
Are you an ambitious student with the desire to make a contribution to this exciting field of science? Join us in creating the quantum future, together with world-leading scientists working in state-of-the-art facilities.
QuTech Academy offers master courses at TU Delft for students with a background in Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and Embedded Systems.
The QuTech Academy programme starts in September with four courses, the first one in the series being ‘Fundamentals of Quantum Information’. Besides the four QuTech quantum courses, you will take a number of classes in applied physics, electrical engineering and computer science to give you a broad basis. In addition, there is also a course on a special topic in quantum technology.
Fundamentals of Quantum Information
by Leo DiCarlo and David Elkouss
In this class, we will teach you the fundamentals of qubits, quantum gates and measurements. You will also learn about quantum entanglement, as well as quantum teleportation. You will learn how properties of quantum information can be applied to construct some of the most well-known quantum algorithms, and the basics of quantum error correction.
Course code AP3421 + AP3421-PR
Quantum Communication and Cryptography
by Stephanie Wehner
Having learned the fundamentals, you will now discover how quantum communication can be used to solve cryptographic problems. We will explain some of the most well-known quantum cryptographic protocols, such as quantum key distribution. We will also teach you general quantum cryptographic techniques that can be used to design and analyse quantum protocols at large.
Course code CS4090
Quantum Hardware 1 – Theoretical Concepts
by Barbara Terhal and Johannes Borregaard
Quantum hardware is what turns the novel concepts of quantum computation and communication into reality. The key challenge is to control, couple, transmit and read out the fragile state of quantum systems with great precision, and in a technologically viable way. Quantum Hardware I is focused on teaching theoretical physics concepts for understanding this Hamiltonian engineering challenge in various quantum hardware platforms. The material will be taught using example systems such as spin qubits (quantum dots or NV centers), superconducting, Majorana or trapped-ion qubits.
Course code AP3432
Quantum Hardware 2 – Experimental State of the Art
by Wolfgang Tittel and Lieven Vandersypen
While Quantum Hardware I is focused on teaching underpinning theoretical tools, Quantum Hardware II will give you an overview of the experimental state-of-the-art. You will learn about the most promising approaches for realizing quantum hardware, and critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. You will also get insight in the conceptual similarities and differences between the various technologies. Specifically, the course will cover general concepts and considerations of qubit hardware, trapped ions, superconducting circuits, quantum dots, impurities, cold atoms, photonic circuits, single-photon sources, single-photon detectors and quantum repeaters.
Course code AP3442
Electronics for Quantum Computation
by Fabio Sebastiano
To make a quantum computer and quantum internet work, we also need classical hardware and software to control and instruct the quantum device. This course introduces the overall system of a quantum computer, focusing on the classical hardware and software infrastructure required to build a quantum computer together with the quantum hardware.
Course code EE4575
Special Topics in Quantum Technology
by Slava Dobrovitsky
The content of this course changes per year and per teacher. The goal of the focus course is to provide MSc students and early PhD students more in-depth knowledge and/or tools on particular quantum hardware as pursued at QuTech.
2020/2021: “Spins and qubits: dynamics and control”
We will discuss the fundamentals of qubit and spin dynamics in various (primarily, solid state) systems. While the focus of the course is on spin dynamics, the concepts and ideas (such as Rabi driving, decoherence by noise, dynamical decoupling, etc.) are generic, currently used for manipulating and controlling almost all types of qubits, from superconducting qubits to trapped ions and atoms. We will discuss the basic regimes of qubit dynamics and their theoretical description, fundamentals of qubit decoherence, and the basic approaches to qubit manipulation, including the dynamical decoupling method of suppressing decoherence/dephasing.
Course code AP3662
Modelling of Superconducting Devices
by Barbara Terhal
In this course we discuss tools for the theoretical and numerical modeling of superconducting devices with Josephson junctions (circuit-QED). We discuss the theory of electric circuit quantization and black-box quantization which allows one to translate electric circuits into Hamiltonians and their dissipative environment. We review various of the known superconducting qubits, couplers and amplifiers obtained within this description. We use the language and tools of quantum optics to understand essential properties and dynamics of the devices.
Course code AP3472
Courses for MSc and PhD students
QuTech is participating in an Online Course Sharing Project with RWTH Aachen and TU Chalmers. Second-Year MSc students in Applied Physics at Delft can consider taking these courses as an extra course in their MSc curriculum or as part of an approved honours program. PhD students can consider taking these courses for fulfillment of their graduate school requirements. Currently offered courses are the following.
Quantum Computation
by Prof. Ferrini and Dr. Kockum (Charmers)
Starting: Monday Nov. 2 (7 weeks)
Credits: 7.5 ECTS
Syllabus: can be found here
If you are interested in following this course, please email Prof. B.M. Terhal (B.M.Terhal@tudelft.nl) before Oct. 26 with your name, email and background (PhD student/Second Year MSc & What Group at TU Delft you work in & Previous (BSc) degree). In case of too high a volume of interested students, Chalmers will select on a first-come first-serve basis. For queries specific to the course, please contact either Prof. Ferrini (ferrini@chalmers.se) or Dr. Kockum (anton.frisk.kockum@chalmers.se). The Chalmers teaching staff can issue a statement of pass/fail and a grade in case a student actively takes the class and tests.
Quantum Optics
by Prof. M. Mueller (RWTH Aachen)
Starting: Tuesday Oct. 27
Ending: Thursday Feb 11.
Credit Points 5 ECTS
Please email Prof. Mueller (m.mueller@physik.rwth-aachen.de) directly if you are interested in participating in this course and would like to get access to the Zoom link and the course material. In your email please specify your background (PhD student/Second Year MSc & What Group at TU Delft you work in & Previous (BSc) degree). When you obtain at least a 50% score on the weekly exercise sheets, Prof. Mueller can provide you a certificate of “successful participation” for this course, without a grade.
Lectures: Tuesdays 14:30 – 16:00 (CET)
Exercise Classes: Thursdays 16:15 – 17:00 (CET)
Tentative course content
- Quantisation of light: single and multi-mode systems
- Quantum states of the electromagnetic field: Fock states coherent states, squeezed states, phase space distributions
- Measurement of the light field: Photon detectors, beam splitters and interferometers, Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment, homodyne detection
- Quantum coherence functions, photon bunching and anti-bunching
- Light-matter interaction: Driven two-level atom, Rabi oscillations, Ramsey interferometry
- QM light – matter coupling: Jaynes-Cummings model and quantum Rabi oscillations: theory and experimental realisations, creation and observation of Schrödinger cat states
- Open Quantum Systems: Mixed states, quantum channels, Lindblad master equation, quantum trajectories and observation of quantum jumps
- Some modern developments: Basics of trapped-ion quantum computing. Bosonic codes: Protecting qubits in Schrödinger cat states