QuTech Academy offers a top-class master programme that gives you all the tools you need to take part in the global quantum technology effort. If you want to join our team in Delft and work in this revolutionary field of science and engineering, enrol for a master programme at TU Delft.

Master programme at TU Delft

Quantum technology is a highly interdisciplinary field. For this reason, it is possible to choose your broadening courses from several different disciplines. The first step is thus to pick one of the following TU Delft master programmes to enrol in. This choice will determine which broadening courses you will take.

You will find more information on each programme and the specific admission requirements on the master programme’s webpage or in the brochures. You are advised to contact the master coordinators to discuss the opportunities of attending quantum courses in a specific master programme.


QuTech welcomes enthusiastic students that want to start a career in quantum technology and science. Find out all you need to know about the admission requirement and enrolment procedures for master programmes at TU Delft. Read more

QuTech Schoalrship and other TU Delft scholarships

TU Delft aims to attract the world’s brightest students to its international classrooms. The scholarships offer talented and motivated international students the opportunity to pursue a degree at TU Delft. Read more

About QuTech

QuTech is a top quantum institute and has a unique position of combining science and engineering. Knowledge from different fields is combined in the shared dream of creating the first quantum computer and quantum internet. Read more

After graduation

If you aim for a scientific career in quantum technology, please get in touch with QuTech to discuss the opportunities. If you prefer a career in adjacent industries or business, you might consult the job openings or the available internships. Read more

TU Delft & student housing

TU Delft has over 22.000 students, 20 % of whom are international students. The campus offers many student houses and even a special international student house. Read more

Student & cultural life in Delft

Delft is a vibrant city with lots of out- and indoor activities in sports and culture. Read more

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