Open positions MEP/BEP: Development and optimization of spin qubits in semiconductor materials
These are open positions at the Chatterjee Lab. For more information contact Anasua Chatterjee (A.Chatterjee@tudelft.nl)
BEP project on developing superconducting resonators using novel materials for hybrid quantum devices
Superconductors allow the dissipationless transmission of electrical signals as they have zero resistance. When one makes a resonator out of such a material, a photon of (microwave-frequency) light can remain trapped in this resonator for an appreciable amount of time, enough to interact with an “atomic” object such as a quantum dot trapping an electron or hole. In this project we will explore fabricating superconducting resonators on a semiconductor substrate, made of a disordered, partly oxidised material called granular aluminium, which can increase the strength of this interaction.
MEP project on exploring induced superconductivity in semiconductors for heterogeneous quantum processors
Quantum dots isolated in germanium quantum wells have exhibited high-mobility, low-noise, and compatibility with superconductivity. This project will explore superconductivity in Josephson junctions and proximitized quantum dots, experimentally. Fabrication and measurement of devices is involved, working closely with PhD students in the lab.
BEP project on spin qubit control and tuning, using machine-learning algorithms and simulations
It is very important to have accurate and real-world tested simulators of spin qubit dynamics. We, along with the group of Eliska Greplová, are developing a simulator where advanced qubit control techniques and machine-learning aided tuning protocols can be realised. The project will look at one of the following aspects of the simulator and in some cases apply outcomes to a real qubit array in the lab.
1) Machine learning: pulse shaping, algorithm design for realistic readout, etc
2) Working with experiments: automated fitting to large experimental datasets, Hamiltonian learning, etc
3) Simulations: numerical qubit dynamics based on Master equation, add new measurement, ..
4) Adding module: tuning simulator, gate simulator
5) Two-qubit gate in presence of noise or shadow tomography for spin qubits
6) Fast multimodal simulation of spin qubit in JAX or RUST, time-series prediction (LSTM, transformer etc.)
Check out these flyers to know more:
MEP/BEP: Superconductor-semiconductor hybrids for qubits on germanium
BEP: Exploring spin qubit simulations and experiments with artificial intelligence